Witchy Wednesday Series: My Garden Grimoire
From now until Halloween I'll be sharing different ways paper crafting and a little creativity can be used to decorate on a very small budget. I've always challenged myself to decorate for Halloween without spending much money. One year, I cut out tons of bat silhouettes from sheets of black construction paper. They were taped all over walls. People thought I was a genius. I think I spent a total of $5 and a few hours of my time. It can be done.
Let's kick things off this year with a handmade junk journal made from a cereal box. I'm calling it my "grimoire" because French words just have a way of adding a special patina to just about anything. This book will used to decorate my Witchy Workspace in October. What is a Witchy Workspace you ask? More to come on that. For now, here's what I've got for you this week.