Journal Prompt: How Are You Working Toward Your Goals?
Each week I try to take an hour and create a weekly layout in my personal journal. Many people find it hard to believe it only takes me an hour to make these weekly entries. My secret to tackling the blank page is having a process.
On the right side of the layout, I do something creative like sketch, collage or practice calligraphy. There is power in doing something creative on a regular basis and I consider my weekly journal to be a great outlet.
The left side of the page is for journaling. My journaling prompts are simple. They are tied to my goals. I look back on each day of the week and ask myself "How did spend my free time working toward my personal goals?"
Do I do something productive everyday? No. I'm human. So on the days when nothing happened or I have blanks, I try to find an inspirational quote and remind myself to keep moving forward. My journal helps me to check in each week. I can see areas where I'm succeeding and areas where I'm falling behind.
When setting goals, it's important to make them measurable. For example, I know my spirit is made happy when I seek out and support the art of others. So I try to take advantage of at least one arts and cultural event each month. This can be anything from attending a book reading, going to a performance or visiting an art museum.
If you are interested in how I worked toward my goals this past week, I've included a video below. How have you worked toward your goals lately?